
Tansa mak tenke reza tersu iha fulan Maio no Outubro?

 Primeiro, Agradese ba tulun Nai Feto Maria nian durante ne'e ba ita idaidak. Hatene husu, hatene agradese. Segundo, Husu hato'o pedido ruma ho fuan no laran atu hetan grasa ruma. Ita hatene Nai Feto mak Inan ba Nai Jesus. Devosaun husi ema barak tebes mak fo ona testemunha katak sira-nia harohan ka husu grasa ruma ne'e nunka falla. Katak buat ne'ebe sira husu ba Maromak liuhusi Nai Feto Maria sempre iha rezultadu neneik ou kleur. Terceiro, husu protesaun ba an rasik ka ba ema ne'ebe ita hadomi. Hare didiak ladanha ne'e, nai feto nia papel lubuk ida mak iha neba no kada papel dalaruma iha ninia orasaun rasik. Buka ba mak sei hetan.  Espera Nai Feto Maria, sei rona ita nia harohan no sei fo buat ne'ebe ita husu.  IMPORTANTE mak ita hamoos lai ita nia fuan molok husu NO MOS buat ne'ebe ita husu ne'e la sakrifika ema seluk ou sei halo ita kometa fali hahalok diabo nian.  Ho FUAN MOOS no ho INTENSAUN MOOS, hau fiar Nai Feto Maria sei lori itabot nia haro

Managing and coaching others

Mentoring is a lifetime coach. It is NOW and in the FUTURE. Coaching is a specific development process. There is a START and END. It's NOW only. Managing means get the job done CORRECTLY and ON TIME. There is a quote "Tell them what you are going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them". A good team needs to have the following; Who  Tasks Skills Gaps Do the following when evaluating performance: How's your job going? How can organization improve it? How can I help you do your job better? A great manager makes things happen, on time, every time.  For an 8-working hours, plan things for just 7. Do the same for weeks, months and years.  Make others FEEL your message and they will REMEMBER it for life. Quote "A long time from now, people may not remember what you said but they will always remember how you made them feel".  Manager's skills: Build Rapport Be Diplomatic Be Credible Be a strong commu

New Year, New Beginning

It's time to grow. 

Back to work

Thank you Lord Jesus and Mother Mary. Thank you for this gift that you have allowed me to work for Palladium. May 2016 was the last month but May 2017 is the first month of work. Thank you! 

Ita Na'in-Feto nia Rosario - Reza Tersu lor-loron nian

1.      Tanba Sinal Santa Krus , Nia Maromak, hasai ami ata, husi buat, aat hotu. Hodi Padre hodi Filho, hodi Espiritu Santu sira naran. Amen. 2.        Gracas e louvores se deem a todo momento; Ao Santissimo e Divinissimo Sacramento.Gloria (3x) 3.        Nai, ha’u nia Maromak, ha’u fiar, ha’u adora, ha’u hein, ha’u hadomi Itaboot. Ha’u husu perdua ba ema sira ne’ebe la fiar, la adora, la hein, la hadomi Itaboot. Gloria … 4.        ANGELUS (Tempu bai-bain) Nai Maromak nia Anjo hodi Nai Maromak nia lia ba MARIA. Nia ko’us dau-daun tanba Espiritu Santu nia grasa. Ave MARIA... 5.        Ha’u ne’e, Nai Maromak nia atan deit. Atu halo tuir Itaboot nia lia. Ave MARIA... 6.        Maromak Filho halo-An ba Mane. Nia mai moris duni hamutuk ho ita. Ave MARIA... 7.        Maromak Nia Inan Santa harohan mai ami ata Ami atu bele hetan JESUS KRISTU nia rahun diak. Amen. 8.        Orasaun : Nai Maromak, ami ata husu ba Itaboot atu haraik Itaboot nia grasa mai ami n